From Inner Peace to Global Peace

Posted on: Wednesday, September 21, 2011

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Budapest, Hungary, August 9 : Inauguration of the Giordano Bruno Globalshift University

"Education means intellectual sharpening, retaining of innocence and spiritual upliftment." - Sri Sri
Sri Sri was the guest of honour and speaker at the opening ceremony of the Giordano Bruno Globalshift University in Budapest. A public talk and satsang in the evening saw over 1,000 in attendance. Read More

 This Month's Highlights  Sri Sri's Delhi tour
From India With Inner Peace

from india with inner peaceMany escape from traumatic circumstances. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar sits on the first flight to the crisis, and recently it was Oslo.
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Croatia: Deep Reflection During A PrisonSMART Course

from india with inner peaceAfter courses in prisons in Croatia this year, an Art of Living volunteer reflects on the experience. Tomislav Huha was assisting on the PrisonSMART course when a deep realization hit, a feeling of oneness with humanity, while doing breathing exercises with all the prisoners. Read more

India: Yoga Rave - Yoga and youth dance culture that rocks Asia's first Yoga Rave has been launched in Surat, Gujarat.

from india with inner peaceWhen you can just be yourself, express your own unique voice, style, and creativity, and just dance and sing - that's Yoga Rave. On 20 August, 2011, 500 youth celebrated with a night of high energy dance, yoga, meditation and music in Surat, India.
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South Africa: The Max Ormea & Om Ensemble: A Musical Celebration of the One World Family

from india with inner peaceSelling over 700 tickets in its first show in Lenasia, South Africa, the Max Ormea & Om Ensemble launched its 'Om Shantih Tour.' On the weekend of 27th August, 2011, a combination of devotional songs, or bhajans, and the spiritual wisdom of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar were presented at the concert.
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London: British Council of Botswana promotes stress management with The Art of Living

from india with inner peaceThe British Council of Botswana promoted The Art of Living during its Customer Service Week. Visitors watched a video about the Sudarshan Kriya, and received information about The Art of Living's stress relief workshops.

In The News


Bangalore's Art of Living   Peace Meditation on     Remembering 9/11: A
ashram now flush with     9/11 to Honor Human    Decade Later          Paradise tree.               Values of Peace and                                                                       Oneness

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Art Of Living TV


Navratri 2011: Journey back

to the Source

Navratri 2010
Navratri Festival at the Art of Living International Center.


America Meditates Celebrating yoga in Buenos Aires.


The Max Ormea & Om Ensemble: Om Shantih Tour 






Upcoming Mahasatsang with Sri Sri


21 Sept. 2011 Goa, India

23 Sept. 2011 Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India

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 This Month, That Year

19 Sep 1996:

Weekly Knowledge #67

Bangalore Ashram, India


THE FALL THAT RAISES You only see the fall of the water. You don't see how the Ocean becomes the Cloud. The ocean becoming the cloud is a secret, but the cloud becoming the ocean is obvious. In the world only a few can notice your inner growth and height, but your outer expressions are apparent. Never brood that people don't understand you. They can only see your expression.

Find More Knowledge Sheets


Rising in the colors of fall: Art of Silence course with Sri Sri in Canada


From 8 to 17 October, 2011, a special Part 2 Art of Silence Advanced course will take place at The International Art of Living Center in Quebec, Canada. Participants of this course will have the rare opportunity to be in the presence of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.


For more information,

Call: 1-819-532-3328


Click here to register

Navratri Festivities

Navratri Celebrations will take place in The Art of Living International Center, Bangalore from 28 September to 6 October, 2011. Nine days signify the nine months spent by a baby in the mother's womb. The majestic experience of the Poojas, Homas and the Advanced Course will mark the Navratri celebrations.


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"Fascinating ceremonies accompanied by Sanskrit chanting left me feeling lighter and happier each day, during the nine days of Navaratri. After the festival was completed, I felt joyful and full of energy, and ready to jump back into society." - Sebastiaan van den Roovaart, Holland

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