Gentle Reminder: Navratri Celebrations LIVE Webcasts - Register soon....

Posted on: Thursday, September 22, 2011

Jaigurudev Dear Ones,

Below are the videos on Significance and Essence of Navaratri by Sri Sri

The Navaratri Celebrations (Pujas, Homas, Satsangs)  in presence of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar will start in just 2 days - 27 September 2011!
If you are not able to make it to Art of Living International center in Bangalore, you still can be part of it!!

Register and watch the live webcasts from your home! You can choose Live or On-Demand Webcast package for 10 days

Please share this information with others.

(Note: if you are not able to see the image below, you need to click on 'Display images' in your mail)

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