Sankalpa: Shivaratri Celebration 2012

Posted on: Saturday, February 18, 2012

Maha Shivratri 2012 will be celebrated in presence of Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji at the Art of Living International Center, Bangalore
Scheduled events:
·  20 February 2012: Maha Sudarshan Kriya , Maha Rudrabhishekam & Maha Satsang

Maha Sudarshan Kriya : 5 pm IST onwards
Maha Rudrabhishekam & Maha Satsang : 6.30 pm IST onwards (Live Webcast)

·  21 February 2012: Maha Rudra Homam : 6.30 am IST onwards
Shivaratri- Significance
Shivarathri means ‘the night of Shiva’ and is observed in honour of Lord Shiva (The meditative aspect of the Universe).  According to the legend from Shivapurana, when Shiva was asked by Parvathi what pleases him most, He is supposed to have replied thus: ‘The 14th night of the new moon, in the dark fortnight during the month of phalgun, is my most favorite day. It is known as Shivarathri'.
Shivaratri is transcendental, divine consciousness which brings solace to all layers of consciousness.  Resting in the Shiva tatva is Shivarathri.
What is Rudra Pooja       
God is worshipping us every day! Imitating that god is doing to us is pooja. An action born out of a blossomed mind is pooja. Honouring from the heart which is full is pooja.  Gurudev throws new light on the meaning of the word pooja.
Rudrapooja is an ancient practice that has been followed in India since time immemorial. Rudra means Shiva – The Benevolent, The Destroyer of evil. Pooja means that which is born of fullness. Through this pooja one can aim for inner peace and fulfillment.

Why Rudra Pooja
The world is a play of energy, negative and positive. When we pray to Shiva – the Lord of transformation; the entire negative energy around us in the form of disease, depression, and unhappiness gets transformed into peace, prosperity and joy.  Peace around us, in the mind, body and soul.

 if you wish to take Sankalpas for the Maha Rudra pooja or Maha Rudra Homam, please contact the Pooja Desk ( / 080 - 32481155) for more details.Sankalpa is the specific purpose for which you are getting the pooja performed. The pooja will be done in your name with your Sankalpa.

Benefits of Sankalpa?
Sankalpas are taken for the sake of washing away ones sins and afflictions, for bringing peace, prosperity and happiness, along with family togetherness
Sankalpas bring so much peace and prosperity that more than 95% of people who have taken Sankalpas earlier continue to take Sankalpas every year.

 Pooja Sanklapa

Sr #
Maha Rudra Abhisekam
20 – 02 - 2012
Maha Rudra Homam
21 – 02 - 2012

Pooja timing: Everybody who has taken Sankalpa is requested to be seated in Sankalpa Area latest by 6 pm.

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