Vibrant, ambitious, class topper - Kamlesh Barwal, born in an affluent business family was also a mischievous girl. “My friends and I were so intolerably naughty that we would be given our class attendance so long as we stayed out of the professor’s way.” Her ambition to make it big in the world of business had her pursue Management Studies (MBA). Destiny however had other plans! A serious ailment and medical treatment robbed her of enthusiasm for life. The dreams and aspirations now all seemed far away. “Way back in 1998, my neurosurgeon, Dr. Rupak told my mother about this breathing technique called Sudarshan Kriya. Though he had himself not experienced it, he had read about it in many newspapers and magazines and was convinced that it would bring back the smile on my face.” Her mother lost no time. “As it was important to get me out of my shell she found out about the Art of Living course in the town, which was fortunately happening in just a few days. It was only the 3rd or 4th one happening in my hometown, Shimla and the teachers were to come from Bangalore.” Soon enough, she found herself on the course along with most of her friends and cousins, all pushed by her mother. With the Art of Living course life was no longer the same. “Having shuttled between the ICU and home for months, the experience had a healing effect on me almost immediately.” Click here to read more.......... |
Her Masters’ Footprints
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