Ups and downs are natural, be happy: Swami Sadyojata

Posted on: Thursday, December 22, 2011

 Peace of mind is crucial to give expression to one’s capacities, abilities and talent. A person who is calm and balanced can achieve things far beyond what one may conventionally expect to do. Peace of mind is also crucial in maintaining healthy relationships and thereby creating a conducive and productive ambience for life. A healthy society depends on a healthy individual. And a healthy individual is healthy when he or she is at peace. But how do we attain this quality? How do we ensure that we are at peace while having to perform the worldly duties? What do we need to do to be at calm with ourselves?

“There are two ways of looking at life. One is, “I’ll be happy after achieving so-and—so—a certain objective.” The second is, “I am happy come what may!” Which one do you want to live? Events come and go, they perish like flowers. Establish this knowledge “I am blessed” firmly in life. It can help you overcome any obstacle. You will find that complaints, grumblings and insecurities disappear.

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