Sudarshan Kriya powers Tine's Mount Everest climb

Posted on: Tuesday, December 20, 2011

 Mount Everester Tine Mena tells how the Sudarshan Kriya helped her when she was struggling to breathe!

She has not only climbed the Mount Everest, but also conquered the summit of life. Coming from a remote village in Arunachal Pradesh, India and born into a poor family of farmers, Tine Mena had to scale many a peak of life before she actually climbed the famed Himalayan summit. For the record, this 25-year old from Eshali village near the Indo-China border scaled the peak on May 9, 2011, becoming the first lady from the North East India to do so.

Everything, except her grit, was going against her. The raging wind had knocked off her tent when she reached 7200m, forcing her to take shelter in the tent of another expedition. She was fatigued. On the eve of her D-day, she had to survive on a half-a-packet of instant noodles. Her wireless phone was already off power, which meant there was no communication with the base camp for three days.

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