Corrupt Times Lead India To Spiritual Leaders

Posted on: Thursday, November 3, 2011

 "The government of India is corrupt."

Ask any passerby on the streets of India to confirm this, and they'll agree.

Yet the statement, declarative as it is, in fact is old news that the people of India have known for a long time. Corruption, mainly through the form of bribery, infiltrates almost every sector at almost every level of government.

"The government's inflexible attitude and double standards towards a genuine public aspiration are very disturbing for the people," said Anand Mathur, a businessman based in Kolkata.

Even though corruption is rampant, those dominating current news as of late are not the public officials too often lured by greed and misappropriated power. Instead, spiritual figures, juxtaposing the notoriously dishonest, are currently headlining the fight for a fair and ethical government.

"Religious leaders are in touch with the population more than the politicians," said Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, spiritual guru and founder of The Art of Living, who is a presence in the anticorruption campaign against the Indian government. "Religious and spiritual leaders want nothing for themselves, but they are just working for the betterment of society. And people see that."
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